Hudson got tubes in his ears this morning. After about 10 ear infections, Dr. Godfrey said it was time to move on to tubes. We woke Hudson up at 6:15, put him in the car, arrived at the surgery center at 6:45, did paper work, they took Hudson back at 8:05, we were called back to see him in the recovery room at 8:15, and were on our way home at 8:30. It was so fast and easy. He wasn't hesitant at all to go with the OR nurse. I did not cry, but it did feel odd handing him over to her. While we were in the waiting room Mark Fry, from church, came by to see us and bring donuts. How thoughtful! When they called us back to see him in recovery I walked into the room to see the nurse holding him and giving him a juice bottle. (He had not had anything to eat or drink since the night before.) He heard my voice, turned in my direction, but could not focus on my face because he was so loopy from the anesthesia. Pitiful! After eating (ALOT) and playing when we got home, he is now sleeping soundly. I am so glad we have this behind us and look forward to a well baby this spring and summer.
Last night I was explaining to Luke that we were going to take Hudson to see Dr. Cate early in the morning to fix his ears and that when he wakes up Grandmother would be there with him. Well, the selective listener that he is, all he heard was that Daddy, Mommy and Hudson were leaving him in the middle of the night. He said with a shaky voice and tears forming, "But you can't leave me here all by myself." Sad, sad, sad! I reminded him that Grandmother was coming and he knows that she always has treats for him in her "Mary Poppins Bag." That made him happy. I was home in time to take him to school this morning. He held onto me and cried. He NEVER does that. I felt terrible because I know it was a weird morning for him. I almost took him home with me but I knew Hudson might need the alone time to recover. I never have been the mom that stays and coddles a crying child. Not that I don't love them but they are always fine as soon as I am around the corner. AND, if I were to make a huge deal about it, he might decide to make a habit of it. However, I did feel bad this morning, so this afternoon is going to be all about Luke.